Thursday, April 15, 2010

Note From Patricia

Note posted on the door of BYUSA offices:

<3<3 4/15/10 <3<3

Dear Friendshipping Council,

5:00 PM Meeting Canceled! :(

Hi gang! First off, I wanted to thank all of you with "every fiber of my being" for being willing to come to a special one hour training in friendshipping and friendshipping techniques. Espeically big thanks to Deanna and Troy for coming even though they have a final in an hour that counts for a full third half of their grade! Good luck guys!

Well, anyways, I am soooooooo sorry, but something came up and I have to cancel the meeting. Turns out I have a other side project with a different group (not you guys) who also screw up everything they touch! I mean, how hard can it be to track down and find twenty people?! Only twenty! I have like seventy times that many Facebook friends, and I know all KINDS of details about each of THEIR lives!

So anyway, I'll probly be busy all day today but hopefully this whole other thing will be all taken care of by tomorrow at the latest! And then we can get our "shoulders to the wheel," right? Just like the big man upstairs says, "Do or do not. There is no try!"

Patricia Stewart
Senior Executive Officer Frienshipping Council
"I Am Like a Star Shining Brightly"

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