Well...perhaps it reached their ears.
First voice: Dude, I appreciate that you're cooking us dinner during finals while we study and all, but will you please turn down The Beatles JUST A BIT?
Second voice: You're not studying. You're on the Board. And Facebook. And Gchat. The music stays.
Third voice: Hah!
First voice: Stalking is considered research, in fact.
Third voice: Oh really? Cute. And so typical of someone associated with the Board.
Second voice: He's got a point there. That food looks good, by the way. Need any help?
Third voice: Sure, why don't you get to work on making the sauce for the pasta?
Second voice: Sure thing.
First voice: Ack! Stupid pop-up. Stupid Tiberiius Web Security Ltd...No, I do not want to work for you, thanks...
Third voice: Tiberiius? Huh. I think one of the old webmasters used to work there, as an internship or something. Can't remember if he took the job or not, though.
Second voice: Oh, you mean [Former Webmaster]? I remember him. Whatever happened to him?
Third voice: You know...I'm not sure. After he graduation, we kinda lost touch.
Second voice: Hey, bro, since you're being so useful, why don't you Facebook stalk him?
First voice: Waaaaay ahead of ya! Ka-wink! So, it looks like he hasn't posted in a while. Months, in fact. His wall mostly has those annoying spam posts that people get when they leave on their missions, with the occasional "Hi! hOw are yoU?"
Third voice: That's weird. I wonder what he's been up to. I'll have to give him a call soon, see how he's doing...
The couple kissed on, blissfully unaware of the conversation that just took place, and in fact continued on for several more hours. They stayed on that bench until a police officer finally pointed out that the Spirit had gone to bed long ago, and they ought to take a break from each other before any scandal could possibly occur.
The time was 12:15 a.m.
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