Monday, April 12, 2010

Emails to the Editors (January)

January 14, 2010

Hello [Editor]!

My name is Patricia and I just can't tell you how excited I am to be starting this new semester! I'll bet you're just as excited as I am to be involved in the "work and a wonder" that is BYU! And to be one of the lucky individuals involved in serving the student body is, I'm sure, quite a "tender mercy." :)

I am not sure if you got the official memo that I prepared and sent to all clubs, groups, and student-run organizations throughout campus. I sure was excited to see how many responses I got back from super-enthusiastic groups! Well, for some reason I never heard back from you at the BYU 100 Hour Board (and maybe it's just the silly old English major in me, but shouldn't it be 100-Hour Board with a hyphen? :) But I'm sure you know what you're doing.) I thought maybe if I took some time to explain my job better, you'd be a little less reluctant to get on "Board" with some of the exciting things happening with BYUSA!

Just a little background FYI: After my recent appointment to the BYUSA Friendshipping Council, I thought to myself, "Patricia, what would make everyone at BYU better friends than if we all knew everything about each other! That what makes Facebook so popular, right?" So with that I was appointed (kind of) to be the head of the BYUSA Correllation and Consolidation Committee. Cool alliteration, huh?! :) Our goal is to get all of the student organizations on campus to voluntarily help me find out as much information as we can about our "fellow man" so we can be in their service (as well as the service of you-know-who :) ). Well, guess what? I was eating lunch in the "Wilk" the other day and I overheard some students talking about "that group that seems to know everything." And I thought "BYUSA?" No!! They were talking about YOU guys?!! I'm sure that you agree that BYUSA joining forces with the 100-Hour Board would be a match made in heaven and that working with the C.C.C. would be a great way to "go forth serve" here at the Lord's university!

I haven't exactly heard back from the higher-ups here at BYUSA, but I'm sure that they'll love the idea as much as you and I do, right [Editor]? I sure hope that you and your awesome writers to fall in line on the "straight and narrow path," :) Right?!


Patricia Stewart
Captain of the Correllation and Consolidation Committee
"I Want to Be a Window to His Love"

January 20, 2010

Dear [Editor],

I'm sorry if I just can't hold it in but I am pretty "T.O."ed with you right now!! I can't believe that you pretty much tattled on me to BYUSA. Just because I didn't have permission to start the C.C.C. and start making files with personal information about BYU students, that DOESN'T MEAN you should have been like a whiny baby and told on me 'cause that's not very Christlike of you. If I had just been able to know people's fave clothes, credit card numbers, perscriptions, and email addresses, can't you see what awesome SERVICE we could of done for these "lost sheep" here at BYU. I guess some people just don't have any love in their hearts.

I guess I should of realized that if you could find out that stuff for our "fellow-man" than you could find out that I didn't have permission and that I had stolen a box of BYUSA letter head to make those official requests for information to other students. Well, maybe you could of also found out that after I cried and explained, the administration decided NOT to kick me out of school AND I get to stay on the Friendshipping Committee.

I wanted to let you know that I forgive you in my heart.

But I also wanted to say that I will find someway to make you, and the other writers of the 100 (HYPEN) Hour Board, feel just as sad as you have made me feel.

Good luck!!!

Patricia Stewart
Junior Member Friendshipping Council

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